Catastrophic Injuries
These types of injuries cause severe, debilitating harm and often require major surgeries followed by years of rehabilitative therapy. Some can even lead to a lifetime of assisted living. Catastrophic injuries can range from fractures, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, paralysis, dismemberment and even loss of eyesight. Each type of injury comes with its own specific challenges as you work toward recovery; however, worrying about a legal case should not be a part of your stress. Our attorneys at Chang | Klein will work hard to ensure that you and your family get the justice you deserve.

Truck & Transportation Liability
Commercial trucks are much larger than regular passenger vehicles and can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. Professional, long-haul truck drivers are required to go through special training to obtain a commercial driver’s license and they should understand the risk that their machines pose on the roads. If you have been involved in a large truck accident, you have likely suffered serious injuries and incurred significant losses including medical bills, lost income, pain and stress, and more. Let Chang | Klein fight for your justice while you focus on recovering.

Product Liability
When you purchase a product or use one at a business, you expect it to deliver as advertised and to function correctly. Suffering a serious injury is the furthest thing from your mind. Design and/or manufacturing defects injure thousands of Americans every year and many of these incidents are preventable. If you were injured by a defective product or a product that failed to caution you of its potential risks, reach out for a free, confidential consultation with Chang | Klein. They will fight for you until justice is served.

Toxic Tort
Invisible threats can make the air you breathe hazardous, and they may be present even in those environments you believe to be safe — including your home, your workplace, or your child’s school. Landlords, business owners, builders and corporations all have a responsibility to ensure the safety of residents, workers, customers and visitors. Unfortunately, they don’t always honor this obligation. If you have become ill from exposure to a chemical substance, it’s not your fault. At Chang | Klein, our attorneys have extensive experience litigating toxic tort claims and can answer any questions you may have.

Premises Liability
You can never anticipate what sort of accidents will transpire outside your home. Whether you are at the nail salon, a restaurant, the mall, or even a friend’s house, a hazardous and unkempt space can lead to significant injuries. When an unexpected accident leaves you unable to work and earn income, the financial burden can add overwhelming stress. If you have suffered an injury due to a property owner’s neglect, you might be able to file a lawsuit against the person responsible. The process can be complicated, but a professional attorney will guide you through your case with ease. Contact Chang | Klein to get the compensation you deserve.

Government Liability
When another party’s negligence produces serious harm and calculable losses, the law affords a victim the opportunity to seek redress through the courts. When the allegedly responsible party is a governmental agency, the path forward for a plaintiff can become more complex and the opportunity to seek monetary recovery may be stifled by a number of difficult factors. Chang | Klein has the knowledge and experience necessary to get you the results you deserve.

Fire & Explosions
Fires and explosions often go together. Flames can ignite explosive chemicals or cause equipment failure. The opposite can also occur. Extreme heat or other conditions can create an explosion that sparks a drastic fire. Whatever the circumstance, victims can suffer catastrophic injuries. Burns and explosions often happen on the job, in places such as factories, refineries and construction sites. Sadly, many of these incidents are completely preventable because they result from carelessness and poor management. Such injuries can be among the most terrifying and life-threatening that people suffer. If you have experienced severe burns or serious injuries from an explosion, you may be eligible to recover lost wages as well as pain and suffering damages. Contact Chang | Klein for a free consultation.

Electricity drives our everyday lives and the power that runs through a common outlet is more than enough to be fatal, if it travels through your body correctly or under the right circumstances. Injuries of lesser severity can still cause muscle and nerve damage, burn scarring, cataracts and even cardiac arrest. Electrocution can happen in the home, the workplace, or anywhere there are faulty electrical products, negligent installation and maintenance, or downed power lines. If you feel that you may have suffered an electrocution due to someone else’s negligence, contact Chang | Klein. We want to help.

The loss of a limb is an incredibly significant and traumatic event. With an injury so severe, it’s difficult to place a price on the physical and psychological damage. Those who suffer such a loss or an injury that leads to amputation may not be able to work and will incur high medical costs. In addition to extensive and long-term rehabilitation, the victim will likely need a prosthetic device, which is very expensive, and home and vehicle modifications to assist in their new reality. The difficulty in valuing these cases makes finding an experienced lawyer who can guide you through your claim of paramount importance. The attorneys at Chang | Klein will make the perfect advocates in your time of need.

Traumatic Brain Injuries
Unlike other injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, aren’t always visible to others. Victims suffer silently, while loved ones struggle to grasp what is really happening. Every single aspect of your life can be affected by a brain injury. They can diminish the way you think, remember and behave. They impact your relationships with loved ones, and can even cause depression, anxiety and other psychological problems. When you’ve suffered a severe brain injury that was someone else’s fault, you deserve payment for your medical expenses, lost income, your personal anguish, and then some. The skilled attorneys at Chang | Klein can get you the maximum compensation you need.

Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycles make for an adventurous lifestyle and their owners deserve every mile of that open-air thrill. But, when impact at high speeds occurs, they are no match for larger vehicles. Riders are fully exposed and far more susceptible to serious, life-altering injuries. If you or anyone you know has experienced such an accident, contact Chang | Klein – it will pay to have a proficient advocate by your side.

Sexual Assault/Harassment
The number of cases of sexual assault and harassment is staggering, and many go unreported, making the statistics likely much higher than studies reflect. It is a terribly devastating experience for survivors. Some of the long-lasting psychological, emotional and physical effects include depression, flashbacks, substance abuse, and in many cases, post-traumatic stress disorder. A single incident can diminish one’s self-esteem and ruin their livelihood for years to come. If you were the victim of sexual abuse, don’t suffer in silence. Speak to the attorneys at Chang | Klein and let them help you get your life back on track.